Flockterkit is an invented name for a joyful and melodic music that starts with a focus on slowly changing chords with attention on harmony and orchestration. The music of Flockterkit inhabits the space between Shelton’s two sides of music: acoustic improvisation and electro acoustic process-based compositions. It can focus on the many textures of the involved instruments and use them in a light framework that allow for expansion via improvisation and the electroacoustic process of phrase modification (the live sampling and replication of phrases played by acoustic instruments via electronics.)
CDR in handmade cardboard sleeve. SSM-003. 2008. Out of Print.
Download available at Bandcamp.
The intriguing mix of instruments alone doesn’t distinguish this recording, but the ensemble’s willingness to mix it up just as often as to stand back and beam an austere beauty, on the other hand, does set this album out from the crowd. – Bird is the Worm
The album (a limited edition run of handmade CDRs on Singlespeed Music) was recorded in Oakland with an ensemble comprised of Shelton on saxophone, Andy Strain on trombone, Caroline Penwarden on harmonium and pump organ, Kurt Kotheimer on bass, Anantha Krishnan on indian percussion and Jordan Glenn on drums. Flockterkit was originally started in Chicago, during the fall of 2004. The original lineup featured Shelton on clarinet, Ernst Karel on trumpet, Fred Lonberg-holm, cello; Jason Roebke, bass; and Frank Rosaly on drums. An unfinished recording featured Steven Hess on drums. An additional lineup was used for some concerts in the winter of 2007 featured Josh Berman on trumpet, Jeff Parker on guitar, Jason Roebke on bass and Frank Rosaly on drums.